Hemorrhoid Surgery Options: Hemorrhoidectomy, Hemorrhoid Banding, And The THD System

The news that you may have to undergo surgery for your hemorrhoids is tough to hear, but you shouldn’t feel defeated or worried. Hemorrhoids are very common and they can occur in ways that are nearly out of our control. If medications, lifestyle and diet changes have not been able to treat your hemorrhoids, then surgery offers the best chance to return to normal — and that’s a good thing!

At the Colorectal Clinic Of Tampa Bay, our three specialized colorectal surgeons are extensively trained in minimally invasive surgery techniques to make sure that your experience is as quick and painless as possible!

If you’re considering undergoing hemorrhoid surgery, here is everything you need to know about our three hemorrhoid surgery options.

Option 1: Hemorrhoidectomy

This hemorrhoid surgery option is the best for treating severe or recurring hemorrhoids. The surgery removes hemorrhoidal tissue with either local or general anesthesia. The procedure is used to treat severe bleeding, severe pain, thrombosed hemorrhoids and prolapsed hemorrhoids. How the procedure is done depends on the kind of hemorrhoidectomy the surgeon chooses to perform.

The different kinds of hemorrhoidectomies are:

Option 2: Hemorrhoid Banding

This hemorrhoid surgery option, also known as a Rubber Band Ligation, is simple, non-invasive, and only requires local anesthesia. With Rubber Band Ligations, your surgeon pulls the hemorrhoidal tissue away from the anal wall and places a rubber band around the hemorrhoid.

With this procedure, it is recommended that only 1 or 2 hemorrhoids be removed at a time. While it may be tempting to deal with all of your hemorrhoids during the same procedure it is not recommended, as the aftermath can be extremely painful. Doctors recommend returning for a couple at a time every 4 to 6 weeks.

Option 3: The THD System

The THD System, also known as Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization, and referred to as the THD hemorrhoid surgery, is a new hemorrhoid surgery option that offers quick recovery and no loss of tissue. The procedure works by using a Doppler ultrasound probe to pinpoint the actual branches of the hemorrhoidal arteries.

Once located, the vein or artery is tied off to stop the blood flow. Excess tissue is then “lifted” onto its original position through a procedure called a Hemorrhoidopexy. Because this hemorrhoid surgery option requires no tissue removal, recovery pain is significantly reduced. Best of all? The procedure only takes 30 minutes and recovery only takes about 3 days.

More Information

Being nervous before a surgery is natural, but rest assured that you’ll be in good hands. Our team at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay encourages you to ask as many questions as you’d like before making the final decision. For more information of hemorrhoids or to book an appointment, contact us today!