5 Ways to Relieve Constipation

It’s estimated that around 4 million Americans deal with constipation on a regular basis. Constipation is a common occurrence for many people, but some of us may experience it more frequently than others. While constipation is not an extremely serious medical condition, it can negatively interfere with a person’s quality of life. We understand that constipation is uncomfortable and can sometimes be painful. In this article, we will discuss 5 ways to help you find constipation relief.

#1: Add Fiber to Your Diet

Diets low in fiber can cause constipation. By adding more fibrous foods to your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you may find that your constipation symptoms subside. Fiber helps promote healthy digestion by making the stool soft enough to pass through the intestine.

#2: Consider a Supplement

If adding more fiber in your diet with food is too difficult, or isn’t providing the relief you’d hoped for, consider adding a gentle fiber supplement to your regimen. You can find many different fiber supplements at your local grocery store or pharmacy. Speak with your doctor about which supplement is best for you. 

#3: Drink More Water

Water is essential in ensuring waste passes easily through your intestines. If you aren’t drinking the recommended amount of water each day, you might find that you are often constipated. Try adding more water to your day by carrying around a cup or water bottle with the measurements clearly marked on the side. Try jazzing up your water with fruit or herbs to help make it taste better. 

#4: Try Coffee in the Morning

Caffeine can act as a natural stimulant and help you kick-start a bowel movement by invigorating the muscles in the digestive tract. Avoid drinking coffee late in the afternoon or evening to avoid it keeping you awake at night. 

#5: See a Colorectal Specialist 

If you’ve tried every natural and over-the-counter remedy to relieve your constipation, but nothing has worked, it may be time to contact a colorectal specialist. If you are constipated frequently, your symptoms could be a sign of a more serious issue such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome. The good news is that our colorectal specialist is trained to treat these diseases and will help you identify the best treatment option for you!

If your attempts at finding relief for your constipation have not been successful, consider booking an appointment with the colorectal specialists at Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. They have years of experience and can help you find the constipation relief that you seek.