A Closer Look at Bowel Disease: What Causes IBDs?

Bowel diseases are some of the most uncomfortable, debilitating conditions to deal with; there is an inexplicable emotional drain and anxiety that comes with dealing with IBDs. Here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, we understand this struggle and do everything we can to help our patients live more normal, pain-free lives. Let’s take a look at some common questions that our patients ask us: “what are IBDs?”,what causes IBDs?”, “can IBDs be caused by stress?”, and more.

What Are IBDs?

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are disorders of the colon and rectum that, for a variety of reasons, cause pain and difficulty digesting food. There are 2 main types of inflammatory bowel diseases: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. While each condition has its own set of unique symptoms, they have one thing in common: irritation and inflammation of your bowels– sometimes to the point of damaging the colon. Symptoms of IBDs generally include:

  • Stomach pain

  • Blood in the stool or diarrhea

  • Constipation or diarrhea that doesn’t cease

  • Anemia due to the above symptom

  • A sense of urgency when having a bowel movement

  • Loss of appetite

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Fever or infection

What Causes IBDs?

How do IBDs start? We hear this question a lot. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer (yet). There are many theories, such as autoimmune involvement, abnormally strong bowel muscle contractions, chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, severe infection, and even subtle changes in gut microflora. For now, however, we must mostly treat IBD on a patient-by-patient basis.

Can IBDs Be Caused By Stress?

As mentioned above, the root cause of irritable bowel diseases is largely unknown. However, we do know that, for some patients, stress is a compounding factor that may increase and worsen symptoms. For patients with stress and anxiety as a recurring or chronic issue in their lives, IBDs can be more difficult to manage. For these patients, episodes of stress and anxiety cause the bowel muscles to contract more frequently, often causing bowel movements to occur before your body is ready.

Can IBD Be Cured?

As far as we know, there is no panacea-esque cure in sight for IBDs. Unfortunately, avoidance and management strategies are the best things you can incorporate into your life if you are struggling with an irritable bowel disease. Perhaps in the future, as medical professionals and researchers begin to understand more about these diseases, we may discover more effective treatment options for patients struggling with IBDs. But for now, we suggest working with your colorectal specialist to come up with a plan to follow; this plan will likely include things like avoiding triggers, taking probiotics, eliminating health-concerning habits, and trying your hand at meditation for reducing stress and anxiety.

Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Disease in Tampa Bay

If you think that you may be struggling with an irritable bowel disease, contact the team at The Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. Our colorectal specialists are available for appointments during which you will discuss your symptoms; we can order any tests that may be necessary to diagnose you. For more information, check out our colorectal services or schedule an appointment today.