Could It Be Colon Cancer?

Here at Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, we know how anxiety-inducing and stressful it can be to hear a cancer diagnosis (or hear that a loved one got a cancer diagnosis). It can be tempting to pop a search term into Google, but that will likely give you too much information all at once – and you’ll find some information from unreliable sources.

In this blog, we hope to give you the information you’re looking for without stressing you out too much. We’ll cover questions like what are the first signs of colon cancer, what is the main cause of colon cancer, and is colon cancer curable?

What Is Colon Cancer?

Like other cancer types, colon cancer is a collection of cells that grow out of control, unregulated by the body. Cancerous tumors generally have a blood supply, and their cells can break off and travel to other parts of the body once they get large enough – this is called metastasis. Colon cancer lives right where you think it might: in the large intestine. Some people will lump colon cancer in with colorectal cancer – they’re the same diagnosis.

What Are the Different Types of Colon Cancer?

There are four different types of colon cancer: adenocarcinoma, carcinoid tumors, soft tissue carcinoma (rare), and lymphoma. Most colon cancer diagnoses are adenocarcinoma cases – this is when cells in the lining of the colon go rogue and become cancerous.

However, carcinoid tumors (tumors that start in hormone-producing cells), soft tissue carcinoma (start in the blood vessels or connective tissue of the colon), and lymphoma (tumors that start in the colon but spread to lymph nodes) are all possible.

What Is the Main Cause of Colon Cancer?

It’s difficult to pinpoint all of the causes of colon cancer, but we do know what can increase your risk of developing it. Medical professionals call these “risk factors.” You can find a full list on the CDC’s website, but here are a few:

  • Having an IBD or familial history of colon cancer

  • Having FAP or Lynch Syndrome

  • Many lifestyle factors, such as being sedentary, eating few high-fiber foods, eating a diet high in processed meats, being overweight, and smoking.

What Are the First Signs of Colon Cancer?

Unfortunately, most people don’t have any symptoms until their cancer is progressed and more serious. This is one of the main reasons medical professionals push so heavily for colonoscopies. In the later stages of colon cancer, symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, fatigue, abdominal pain, and unexplainable weight loss are all possible.

Is Colon Cancer Curable?

As with most cancer, your doctor’s ability to cure your cancer will depend on how far the mass has been allowed to grow. With cancer that hasn’t spread, there’s always the possibility to remove parts of the colon. This will be a last-ditch option, usually, and your oncologist will probably try other methods before arriving at this treatment.

Treatment options vary, may include things like radiation or chemo, and will be specifically tailored to your body. 

The Colorectal Clinic Of Tampa Bay

If you are struggling with colon cancer or think you might be at risk for colon cancer, get in touch with our network of colorectal specialists over at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. Our team of compassionate doctors, like Dr. Itriago, have your best interest at heart and can help you on your journey. Contact them today or ask for a referral from your GP.