Hemorrhoid Banding vs. Hemorrhoidectomy: Which One Do I Need?

While sometimes hemorrhoids do go away on their own, if you are suffering from regular or chronic bouts of hemorrhoids then you are likely seeking different forms of relief for this condition. While some people may turn to lifestyle changes or topical creams, others with more severe cases may find themselves needing a more extensive hemorrhoid treatment option.

Your hemorrhoid doctor may recommend one of two options: hemorrhoid banding or a hemorrhoidectomy, depending on your unique needs. In this blog, we will discuss the differences of each, including what makes a person a good candidate for one over the other. 

What is hemorrhoid banding?

Also called rubber band litigation, hemorrhoid banding is a way to remove hemorrhoids by putting tight bands around the swollen veins to cut off the flow of blood, which should cause the hemorrhoid to shrink and disappear in about a week. If you have multiple hemorrhoids, you may need to have this procedure done every few weeks until all have been removed.

What is a hemorrhoidectomy?

A hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove internal or external hemorrhoids that are extensive or severe. Surgical hemorrhoidectomy is the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids, though it is usually a last-resort treatment for routine cases of hemorrhoids. Though this procedure requires anesthesia, there is a relatively low complication rate of hemorrhoid surgery. Recovery for this method of treatment can take anywhere from two weeks to six weeks, depending on the person.

Hemorrhoid Banding vs Hemorrhoidectomy

For more prevalent or severe hemorrhoids, surgical removal of the hemorrhoids is often suggested. Though it is more invasive and slightly more painful that hemorrhoid banding, hemorrhoidectomy is extremely effective, and a great option for patients with severe hemorrhoid cases. Hemorrhoidectomy surgery is used for more advanced hemorrhoids, while rubber band litigation for hemorrhoids may be used for less severe hemorrhoids without the side effects of surgery.  

Your doctor may recommend one over the other depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids and your long-term goals, as the surgical removal of hemorrhoids will be more effective in the long run. Talk to our experienced hemorrhoid doctor to determine the best route of treatment for you!