colon cancer testing

Are You At Risk? Make Sure You’re Aware of These 8 Risk Factors For Colon Cancer

Are You At Risk? Make Sure You’re Aware of These 8 Risk Factors For Colon Cancer

Are you at risk for colon cancer? Even if your risk factors are not hereditary, it's important to be aware of what risk factors can affect your chances. The risk of developing this disease is higher for people who have risk factors such as age, gender, and other health concerns. There are also risk factors that we can control like diet, exercise habits, smoking. Let's take a closer look at the risk factors for colon cancer.

4 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer

4 Screening Tests For Colon Cancer

The end of March is drawing near— and with it comes the end of Colon Cancer Awareness Month. However, we shouldn’t forget about colorectal cancer as we enter into April. Many patients think that they don’t need to be screened because they don’t have colon cancer symptoms; as we’ve discussed in a previous post, this simply isn’t the case. Everyone over the age of 40 should be screened regularly, and it doesn’t always have to be with a colonoscopy!