What Are My Treatment Options For Anal Fissures?

Anal fissures are not the most pleasant topic for non-medical professionals (and even some medical professionals), but they’re something that many of our patients deal with on a regular basis. If you struggle with this unpleasant condition, you may be wondering, how can I permanently get rid of anal fissures? Let’s take a look at how to heal an anal fissure and answer the question, can fissures be treated without surgery?

What Is an Anal Fissure?

Unlike an anal fistula, an anal fissure is simply a small tear in the thin, delicate anal lining. These fissures are usually caused by straining during bowel movements or sharp, abrasive pieces in the stool that gets passed (hello, popcorn). Anal fissures don’t usually require surgery to fix, and they are one of the four anorectal conditions that we consult on and treat here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay.

How to Heal an Anal Fissure

The best way to heal your anal fissure is by softening your stool, making it easier to pass, and giving your anal opening time to heal naturally. Just like with any other wound, time and maximizing healing effectiveness come into play with anal fissures. When working with your doctor, you may be prescribed stool softeners, anti-inflammatories, and pain medication. You will also probably hear from your doctor that a high-fiber diet is best for those who get recurrent anal fissures. This is because a diet full of fiber will keep you regular and reduce straining during bowel movements.

How to Relieve Anal Fissure Pain

One option, as we stated above, is to take anti-inflammatory and pain medicine. However, sometimes this oral, system-wide route isn’t enough to relieve the pain caused by anal fissures. If you would like to take a more targeted, direct approach, techniques like sitz baths (a warm water soak for the anal area) and topical anesthetics like witch hazel can be extremely effective. Above all, keeping the area clean will help prevent infection and exponentially worse pain.

How Can I Permanently Get Rid of Anal Fissures?

As mentioned above, you can both heal and prevent anal fissures by following a high-fiber diet full of healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You may also want to try drinking more water, limiting binding foods (dairy), and getting a bit more exercise to help keep your bowels regular. The key is to stay regular, reduce straining, and keep the anal area clean and healthy.

Can Fissures Be Treated Without Surgery?

They can, but more serious anal fissures can lead to uncomfortable consequences if they don’t heal properly. It’s important to get in touch with your doctor if a) you don’t see an improvement in your symptoms within four to seven days or b) your symptoms get worse, even though you are making all of the changes required. A surgical fissure repair is an option for patients who struggle to heal their anal fissures on their own, but it’s not usually the first treatment recommended for those that have mild fissures.

Do you think you might have an anal fissure? Get in touch with our team of anorectal and colorectal specialists here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay.