What Are Pregnancy Hemorrhoids & How Can You Treat Them?

Unfortunately, along with all the beautiful things that come with pregnancy, there are also some not-so-beautiful aspects. One of those unlucky rights of passage for a new mother is pregnancy hemorrhoids. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about pregnancy hemorrhoids including what they are, what causes them, and, most importantly, how they can be treated.

What are pregnancy hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are simply veins inside or outside of your anus that have become enlarged and swollen. Hemorrhoids are also referred to as piles and can often resemble varicose veins. Pregnant women who wouldn’t otherwise be at risk for hemorrhoids can develop them during pregnancy. Overall, there are two types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal hemorrhoids inside of your body

  • External hemorrhoids outside of your body

What causes pregnancy hemorrhoids?

It’s estimated that nearly 50% of pregnant women develop hemorrhoids during their pregnancy. Here are some common causes of pregnancy hemorrhoids:

  • As your uterus grows with your baby, it can often press against your pelvis, which creates added pressure on the veins around your anus and rectum. This pressure can cause hemorrhoids.

  • Another cause of pregnancy hemorrhoids can be an increase of the progesterone hormone during pregnancy, since progesterone can relax your veins and make them more prone to swelling.

  • Pregnancy hemorrhoids can also be caused by the constipation that is common for women during pregnancy.

  • Another possible cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is straining from carrying extra weight during pregnancy.

Symptoms of Pregnancy Hemorrhoids

In some cases hemorrhoids do not present any symptoms, but in many cases it’s not uncommon for them to cause discomfort. Here are a few of the most common symptoms that pregnant women with hemorrhoids may experience:

  • Bleeding when you wipe after a bowel movement

  • Pain during bowel movements

  • A lump or bump near your anus

  • Itching, burning, or swelling near the anus

Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment

If you are experiencing some discomfort due to your hormones, you can often manage the pain or itchiness with natural remedies, including:

  • Soak in a bathtub of Epsom salt

  • Take a gentle stool softener as recommended by your doctor

  • Drink plenty of fluids

  • Apply a cold compress to the affected area

  • Increase your fiber intake to alleviate constipation

  • To help with the symptoms of current hemorrhoids, try over-the-counter creams that contain witch hazel

Medical Hemorrhoid Treatment

During pregnancy, always speak to your doctor before taking any medication, including those you apply to your skin. This will ensure that treatments do not pose a risk to your baby. If natural treatments don’t help with hemorrhoids or if pregnancy hemorrhoids do not go away after pregnancy, many people opt for treating pregnancy hemorrhoids with the help of a colorectal specialist.

If you have questions about your pregnancy hemorrhoids or need to seek treatment beyond natural remedies, make an appointment with a colorectal specialist at Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay today!