Colonoscopy Prep: How to Get Ready for Your Exam

Few routine procedures are avoided like colonoscopies; this is unfortunate because colonoscopies are the only way to detect colorectal cancer in its early stages. Let’s take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions about colonoscopies here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay.

What Is A Colonoscopy?

This simple procedure involves the use of a scope (a tube with a camera on the end) to view the inside of your bowels. During a colonoscopy, a technician and a doctor will evaluate the length of your large intestine for abnormalities. It is important that you have regular colonoscopies if you are over the age of 50 or have a family history of colorectal issues.

What Do I Need A Colonoscopy For?

While colonoscopies are best known for catching early colon cancer, they are also effective at detecting colon polyps, irritable bowel issues, and other damage to the inside of the large intestine. Healthy individuals only need a colonoscopy every ten years, starting at age fifty.

What Happens During A Colonoscopy?

As mentioned above, a camera is used to view the inside of your colon for a variety of reasons. Most scoping technicians and doctors will give you a mild sedative or put you under general anesthesia一 the type of sedation will depend on whether your body can handle anesthesia. It’s not necessary to be completely sedated for your exam, but many people find that it makes for a better experience.

How Long Does A Colonoscopy Take?

A routine colonoscopy that doesn’t look abnormal can take anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes, but that is simply the time your technician will spend with you and the scope. You may spend some time in a preparation room, depending on how you will be sedated. If your doctor wants to put you under general anesthesia, you may need to be at the hospital for several hours and have someone drive you home.

Colonoscopy Prep Tips:

1 - Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

This probably goes without saying for any medical procedure, but always follow your doctor’s instructions for preparation. Your doctor has been performing this procedure for a number of years and knows what works best in his procedure room. Colonoscopy preparation usually involves fasting, taking medication to flush your bowels, and drinking plenty of fluids.

2 - Clear Liquids Only

As you can imagine, it can be quite alarming to flush your system with only red sports beverages. In order to feel your best and bounce back quickly after your procedure, we recommend that you only drink water in the preparation time before your colonoscopy.

3 - Don’t Go Overboard Afterwards

You’ve just been fasting and flushing your system for the past 24-48 hours, and there’s likely some residual bowel constriction; you may also have an increased digestive rate after your procedure. When you feel better, take it slow: only have simple, raw foods for the first few hours after your colonoscopy. Don’t plan a big meal out at a restaurant directly after your scoping.

Where Can I Schedule A Colonoscopy In Tampa?

Here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay, we offer many different colorectal services. If you need to schedule your next colonoscopy but don’t know where to go, we have you covered. We’ll make the experience simple and as comfortable as possible; our colorectal experts are just a desk away if anything abnormal is discovered during your procedure. Call our office and schedule your routine colonoscopy today!