How to Help a Loved One Deal With Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable condition in which blood vessels around the anal opening become swollen. Sometimes, internal hemorrhoids can slip out of the anus, causing extreme pain when sitting or standing for long periods of time. In this post, we’ll take a look at some common questions: how do you help someone with hemorrhoids, how do you calm a hemorrhoid flare-up, and how do you comfort someone with hemorrhoids?

Seven Things You Can Do to Help a Loved One

#1: Do Your Research

So, how do you help someone with hemorrhoids? The best thing you can do for a loved one is to know what you’re talking about. An understanding of the condition can go a long way to opening up your mind and sympathizing with your loved one.

#2: Be There For Them

The next best thing you can do is to just be there for your loved one. This, combined with you simply understanding what they are going through will help your loved one feel like they are not alone. As time goes on, your loved one will feel more and more comfortable asking you for help if they need it.

#3: Try to Understand How They Feel

As you do your research, pay attention to the symptoms. Hemorrhoids can be extremely uncomfortable and painful at times. The symptoms of hemorrhoids often disrupt a patient’s sleep, and some patients may even become anxious about certain activities that might exacerbate their hemorrhoid symptoms. 

#4: Think About Ways You Can Help Them

How do you comfort someone with hemorrhoids? If you want, you could put together a care package with things like home remedies, hemorrhoid cream, witch hazel, cotton pads, bottled water, and teas. It might seem silly to you, but these are all things that will show that you care enough to research what might help your loved one.

#5: Learn About What Foods Are Triggers

If you are going to be taking your loved one out to eat or are making dinner, be sure to avoid foods that are triggers for hemorrhoid sufferers. For example, going out for spicy Thai food might be a challenge for your loved one, and they will certainly regret that outing.

#6: Don’t Downplay Your Loved One’s Feelings

As with any medical condition, the worst thing you can do is to downplay the severity of their symptoms. It’s incredibly important for close friends and family to be supportive of one another, not just for the big diagnoses like cancer.

#7: Help When Possible

How do you calm a hemorrhoid flare-up? The best thing for hemorrhoid flare-ups is time, unfortunately.

For you, the best thing to do is leave an open invitation for your loved one to let you know what they need. It’s a delicate balance when you offer to help someone; they may feel too embarrassed to ask for help. In this case, just keep an eye out for things that you can do for your loved one. For example, if you live with them, take care of the dishes for them and set them up to lie down on their side on the couch with a movie.

Above All, Be Understanding

If you’re the loved one of a patient with hemorrhoids, you probably understand how uncomfortable this condition can make someone’s life. When in doubt, just be understanding!