What Is A Colorectal Specialist?

If you are experiencing symptoms or discomfort in areas related to the lower digestive tract, including your colon, rectum, or anus, your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist may refer you to a colorectal specialist. That’s all well and good, but you may find yourself wondering what is a colorectal specialist? Below, we’ll discuss what makes a colorectal specialist different from other doctors in the field, what they treat, what makes a good colorectal specialist, and more.

What is a colorectal specialist?

Colorectal specialists treat disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. These physicians specialize in a wide range of conditions that affect the large intestine or lower digestive tract. The field, formerly known as proctology, treats diseases like colorectal cancer, rectal cancer, IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, anal fissures, anal fistula and more.

What specializations do they have?

Most colorectal specialists undergo intensive and extensive educational and advanced surgery training. Most are trained in general surgery, as well as in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the colon, rectum and anus. After a 4-year medical school program, the general surgery residential includes 5-6 additional years of training. Then a colorectal specialist must undergo an additional 1-2 years to become versed in surgery related to the colon and rectum. All-in-all, that’s over fifteen years of training to become a colorectal specialist.

What do they do?

Colorectal specialists perform a number of screening and diagnostic tests including colonoscopy, ultrasound, sigmoidoscopy, and more. Colorectal specialists diagnose, treat, and care for patients with a number of cancers and conditions related to the lower digestive tract. They also perform surgical procedures such as laparoscopic surgery, colostomy, and more.

What makes a good colorectal specialist?

Training is imperative when it comes to a good colorectal specialist. You want a colorectal specialist with experience in the field. Our colorectal specialists have years of experience in surgery, are certified by the American Board of Surgery, have attended respected schools, are members of a number of respected professional organizations, and have been the recipients of prominent awards in the field. But more than their accolades, the colorectal specialists at Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay are passionate about proving the best care possible to their patients.

Finding a Colorectal Specialist

If you’re looking for an experienced colorectal specialist in Tampa who is determined to provide unparalleled care to their patients, look no further than the colorectal specialists at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. Call to schedule an appointment today!