IBS in Children: All You Need to Know

Did you know that adults aren’t the only people who can suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? That’s right - children can have this condition, too; in fact, most of us adults that struggle with this condition might have also had symptoms when we were younger. If you think your child might be struggling with IBS, we’ll cover what you can do to help them manage their IBS. If you aren’t sure whether they might have IBS or not, we can help you identify or rule it out, too. 

In this blog, we’ll take a look at some common questions we hear here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay: how do I know if my child has irritable bowel syndrome, can IBS be cured in children, and does IBS in children go away?

IBS: What It Is

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known by its acronym, IBS, is a bowel condition that is associated with inflammation and the symptoms it causes in the bowels. It can cause many symptoms - all of which we have listed below. Keep in mind that smaller children may have difficulty expressing their symptoms to you; understanding all of the symptoms of IBS is extremely helpful.

IBS in Kids: Common Questions and Concerns

How Do I Know if My Child Has Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

As a parent, the first thing we need to do is listen. If your child is constantly complaining about an upset stomach, especially during stressful situations, see if you can ask them a bit more about how they are feeling. It’s all too easy to assume that our kids are saying they don’t feel well to avoid consequences or school; however, what if that wasn’t the case? Let’s take a quick look at the symptoms of IBS so that you can be on the lookout:

  • Abdominal cramping, bloating, discomfort, or pain

  • Excessive gas

  • Indigestion

  • Irregular bowel movements

  • Diarrhea and constipation at unexplainable intervals

  • Mucus in the bowel movement

Can IBS Be Cured in Children?

As parents, we don’t want our kids to be in pain or suffer in any way. This is why it’s incredibly unfortunate that there isn’t a tried-and-true cure for IBS, even for kids. You can work with your child and alter their diet so as to not aggravate their symptoms more than necessary; however, your child will always have a sensitive tummy that gets inflamed easily.

Does IBS in Children Go Away?

With structured meals and diets, children with IBS can experience a sort of “remission.” This remission is due to the elimination of triggers from the child’s diet. It will probably take you and your child a long time to get this point, but with some perseverance and patience, you can get there. Furthermore, teaching your child, regardless of how old they are, what foods and drinks to avoid into adulthood will set them up for lifelong success with IBS - and that’s really the goal, after all.

How Can I Help My Child Cope?

As we mentioned above, the key lies within avoiding triggers and teaching your child how to avoid triggers on his/her own. This part of the process will be paramount to their lifelong success with this condition. Additionally, since IBS can cause immense discomfort, you can employ some strategies to reduce your child’s pain. Some of these strategies might include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), heated compresses, mild exercise (like walking, even when you child doesn’t feel well), herbal teas, relaxation techniques, avoiding stress, and much more.

If you think your child might be struggling with IBS, get in touch with our team of colorectal specialists here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay.