When to See a Specialist for Your Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable condition that most people have dealt with at least once in their lives. In this blog, we’ll answer some common questions about hemorrhoids, such as: how long should a hemorrhoid last before going to the doctor, what happens if you let a hemorrhoid go untreated, and can a doctor do anything for a hemorrhoid?

The Rundown On Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are caused by inflammation inside and around the blood vessels of the anal opening. This condition can occur both around the outside of the anal opening and inside the anal opening. Sometimes, small blood clots can clog the veins and blood vessels in this area, causing some very uncomfortable symptoms.

The Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids cause symptoms like:

  • Pain in and around the anal opening

  • Throbbing and itching

  • Pain when having a bowel movement or sitting

  • Minimal (pinkish) blood when wiping

Conditions That Feel Like Hemorrhoids

Especially when symptoms last, without improving, for more than one week, it’s likely that you’re experiencing something other than hemorrhoids. In the next section, we’ll cover those conditions and what happens if you let a hemorrhoid go untreated.

What Happens if You Let a Hemorrhoid Go Untreated?

It’s pretty rare that hemorrhoids develop into something more serious, but it can happen; for example, you may develop an infection. Other conditions can also be mistaken for hemorrhoids. For example, repeat, persistent hemorrhoid-like symptoms might be a sign of the following conditions (and not hemorrhoids at all):

  • A colon tumor

  • IBDs like Crohns

  • An anal Fissure

  • Colon polyps

How Long Should a Hemorrhoid Last Before Going to the Doctor?

A single occurrence of hemorrhoids shouldn’t last more than a week. You may have two or three days where the hemorrhoid is at its worst, probably with all of the symptoms above at their peak. If your hemorrhoids last longer than a week or feel like they never start to get better during that time, it’s probably time to contact your doctor.

Can a Doctor Do Anything for a Hemorrhoid?

Depending on how severe your hemorrhoids are, your doctor may go as far as to recommend a physical procedure to remove the problematic blood vessels. Furthermore, if you don’t actually have hemorrhoids and there is something more serious going on, a doctor will certainly need to address that with you. It’s always better to air on the side of caution and see a doctor if you aren’t sure.

Hemorrhoid Treatment In Tampa Bay

If you have persistent, long-lasting, or recurring hemorrhoids, get in touch with our team of colorectal specialists here at the Colorectal Clinic of Tampa Bay. Our team of nurses and doctors will help you determine what is going on with your body and develop a treatment plan with you so you can get back to feeling like yourself.