how are hemorrhoids treated

Perianal Abscess vs. Anal Hemorrhoid: What’s The Difference?

Perianal Abscess vs. Anal Hemorrhoid: What’s The Difference?

Anal abscess and hemorrhoids are both relatively common conditions related to the anus. Despite their similarity in location, these two ailments have little in common. Still, you might wonder whether your symptoms point to a hemorrhoid or abscess. In this article, we will discuss the difference between perianal abscess and anal hemorrhoids.

What are Hemorrhoids and How Are They Treated?

What are Hemorrhoids and How Are They Treated?

Dealing with hemorrhoids is a pain in the you know what...but, take it from us, you’re not alone. This painful, often embarrassing condition can cause prolonged discomfort for many people. Seeking the expertise of a colorectal specialist is often the best plan to improve your symptoms or to get rid of your hemorrhoids.