bowel movement

5 Recovery Tips For After Your Hemorrhoid Banding Surgery

5 Recovery Tips For After Your Hemorrhoid Banding Surgery

Recovery for hemorrhoid banding is pretty challenging simply because of the discomfort most patients experience after the procedure. If you are looking into getting hemorrhoid banding surgery, or you’ve already undergone surgery and are in the process of recovery, here are 5 tips you can start using today.

Perianal Abscess vs. Anal Hemorrhoid: What’s The Difference?

Perianal Abscess vs. Anal Hemorrhoid: What’s The Difference?

Anal abscess and hemorrhoids are both relatively common conditions related to the anus. Despite their similarity in location, these two ailments have little in common. Still, you might wonder whether your symptoms point to a hemorrhoid or abscess. In this article, we will discuss the difference between perianal abscess and anal hemorrhoids.