how to calm IBS flare ups

The FODMAP Diet: The Key to Conquering IBS

The FODMAP Diet: The Key to Conquering IBS

BS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a relatively common disorder that affects your large intestine. While only a small number of people suffer from extreme symptoms, most can control them through a structured diet, lifestyle changes, and managing stress levels— for most people, IBS treatment is best attempted with the FODMAP Diet.

How To Calm An IBS Flare Up

How To Calm An IBS Flare Up

Those who live with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can tell you this much: flare ups are the worst. Though this condition can make watching what you eat and day-to-day life more difficult, there are thankfully a variety of techniques and strategies you can use to control your flare ups and limit how often they occur.