what causes IBS

IBS vs IBD: How To Tell The Difference

IBS vs IBD: How To Tell The Difference

In the realm of bowel diseases, few are as uncomfortable as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Though the two may present with similar symptoms, there are a fair amount of differences between these conditions; knowing such differences will help ensure that you are on the right course of treatment. Today we’re answering some of the most commonly asked questions about the difference between IBS and IBD.

IBS & Anxiety: Exploring the Relationship Between Stress and Your Gut

IBS & Anxiety: Exploring the Relationship Between Stress and Your Gut

For many anxiety sufferers, irritable bowel syndrome can be a very uncomfortable symptom. New knowledge suggests that there might be an incredible link between our gut microbiome and our mental health, so why couldn’t there be other gut-brain links we haven’t fully explored yet? Here’s how stress and anxiety are likely making your IBS symptoms worse (and how to handle it).