The Best Halloween Treats For Your IBS

Halloween and IBS don’t always go together very well, with all of the sweet treats and challenges to our self-control. Since most Halloween treats are loaded with sugar, fat, and other triggers, sticking with your IBS diet may be more difficult than normal, so it’s important to keep an eye out for potential issues. After all, it’s better to avoid an attack than to have to deal with it!

Five Safe Halloween Foods For IBS

Fortunately, your IBS doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying any treats! There are actually a variety of low FODMAP candy for Halloween that will allow you to partake in the fun with friends and family. Here’s some examples of the best candy for IBS!

#1 Dark Chocolate

This type of chocolate contains no dairy, so it’s a great option for IBS patients who have dairy as a trigger food. Any candy or treat with dark chocolate may also contain other triggers, so read labels carefully in order to avoid symptoms later.

#2 Popcorn

While you should take care to avoid cheese-covered popcorn, regular, lightly salted popcorn can be a delicious Halloween treat that you can enjoy.

#3 Swedish Fish

These little beauties are made with all-natural sugar, making them a great choice for IBS patients.

#5 Jolly Ranchers

Generally, any treat made without high fructose corn syrup will be a safe bet; you definitely want to avoid candies made with that ingredient. Marshmallows are usually made without high fructose corn syrup as well, but marshmallow tends to get paired with other trigger foods.

#4 One or Two Servings of High-FODMAP Treats

It is a holiday, after all. If you limit yourself to only one or two “snack size,” high-FODMAP treats, you should be able to squeak by without any symptoms. However, you know your body better than anyone; if you feel that this will be too much for you, stick to the above treats.

Halloween Treats That Might Trigger IBS

All this being said, some of the most common Halloween favorites are also some of the worst foods for IBS, containing classic culprits like dairy, high fructose corn syrup, etc. That’s why we’re helping you out with some examples of ingredients to avoid, and some of the most common culprits!

Common IBS Triggers

If you aren’t sure whether something might be safe or not, check out this quick list of ingredients that are common IBS triggers:

  • High fructose corn syrup

  • Dairy

  • Honey

  • Sorbitol

  • Mannitol

  • Fructose

  • Isomalt

  • Caffeine

  • Overeating

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

Halloween Snacks To Avoid

It is best to avoid treats like Twix, Kit-Kat, Milky Way because they all contain dairy一 this is a common trigger ingredient for IBS patients. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid the beloved candy corn, as sad as it might be! Unfortunately, candy corn contains both honey and high fructose corn syrup, which are common triggers.

Enjoying Your Holiday, Even With IBS

Most people associate Halloween with all the candy and treats they can stuff themselves with一 which is why many IBS patients end up associating this holiday with cramping, bloating, constipation, and other symptoms of IBS instead. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are many ways to enjoy this holiday that don’t involve treats, so get out your pumpkin carving set, put out some decorations, and enjoy a nice (scary) movie. Remember, the key to conquering IBS is to know your limits, avoid your triggers, and knowing when to stop. Happy Haunting!